This was Slot Art Festival

In an impressing abbey and castle complex near Wroclaw, the Slot Art Festival took place from 8 to 11 July 2009. Although it was founded by the Steiger Mission (known by “Rockpriest” David Pierce), the festival consciously tries not to confront visitors with the Christian faith in a straightforward manner. There is an almost wasteful variety of workshops. About 3000 visitors engage in handicraft, art, dance, politics, culture, music and – more or less – also in the power that has made this spectacle possible: the faith in Jesus Christ.

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Ein Kommentar

  1. Dank meinem Freund Flo Hoenisch bin ich seit 2007 regelmäßig auf dem SLOT Art Festival. Großartige Sache Leute. Meine persönliche Empfehlung: unbedingt mal selbst erleben.

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